Friday, October 12, 2007

Papa to Musume no Nanokakan

The 7 Days of Papa & Daughter

Beware! These legendary momo (peach) are dangerous.

After Kawahara Ko-me (川原小梅) and her papa Kawahara Kyo-ichiro- (川原恭一郎) ate the momo, something terrible happened.

Got it? Terrible right? Papa becomes Ko-me and Ko-me becomes Papa.

Aragaki Yui (新垣結衣) as Kawahara Ko-me (川原小梅)

Tachi Hiroshi (舘ひろし) as Papa

How did they get the legendary momo?

Well, grandma picked the momo herself from the legendary tree of her village, which bear fruits only once in ten years.

Without any other choices, Ko-me has to go to work as Papa, and Papa has to go to school as Ko-me.

And also, Papa has to go to date as Ko-me, with Kenta Senpai.

Kato- Shigeaki (加藤成亮) as O-sugi Kenta (大杉健太)

What havocs will they create in each other's life? How can Ko-me and Papa get back to their original life?
Find the answers by watching this comedy...The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

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