Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Planet 612 (612 星球)

Pin Yin

612 星球 - SHE

612 Xing Qiu - SHE
Planet 612 - SHE

满园玫瑰 我以为 找到我那一朵
Man Yuan Mei Gui Wo Yi Wei Zhao Dao Wo Na Yi Duo
In a garden full of roses, I thought I found mine

认真爱了 却狠狠 刺伤我的双手
Ren Zhen Ai Le Que Hen Hen Ci Shang Wo De Shuang Shou
Seriously in love, yet it prickled both my hands badly

Ze Bei Shen Me Ren Ye Mei You Yong
It's useless to blame anyone

玫瑰都红 难免看错
Mei Gui Dou Hong Nan Mian Kan Cuo
All roses are red, sometimes it's unavoidable to have mistaken

望著天空 爱是否 活在童话里头
Wang Zhe Tian Kong Ai Shi Fou Huo Zai Tong Hua Li Tou
Gazing at the sky, I wonder if love is only living in Fairy Tales

小王子说 有些事 流浪过才会懂
Xiao Wang Zi Shuo You Xie Shi Liu Lang Guo Cai Hui Dong
The Little Prince said, "There are somethings that you understand only after wandering."
(The Little Prince from the French novel, left his home - Planet B-612, and travel to other planets to find the meaning of love.)

Yuan Lai Mei Ke Xin Dou You Ge Dong
Actually every heart has a hole

找不到真爱 会一直寂寞 喔~~
Zhao Bu Dao Zhen Ai Hui Yi Zhi Ji Mo Wo~~
Unable to find true love, will always feel lonely. Oh~~


Wo Dan Yuan You Yi Ge Ren Zai Deng Wo
I wish there is someone out there waiting for me

Zai Shu Yu Wo De Liu Yi Er Xing Qiu
At my very own Planet 612

好让我 忍著痛 也愿意往下走
Hao Rang Wo Ren Zhe Tong Ye Yuan Yi Wang Xia Zou
So to let me even to endure the pain, yet still willing to proceed

Bu Kuai Le Zhi Shao Yao You Meng
Unhappy but at least must have dreams

Yi Ding Hui You Yi Ge Ren Zai Deng Wo
Certainly there must be someone waiting for me

Wu Tiao Jian Yong Bao Zhe Wo De Suo You
Unconditionally embracing my everything

相遇前 我还要 翻越多少山丘
Xiang Yu Qian Wo Hai Yao Fan Yue Duo Shao Shan Qiu
Before we meet, how many mountains do I still need to surmount?

花别谢太快 请你等等我
Hua Bie Xie Tai Kuai Qing Ni Deng Deng Wo
Flower, don't wither too soon, please wait for me


擦干眼泪 一个人 漂流在这宇宙
Ca Gan Yan Lei Yi Ge Ren Piao Liu Zai Zhe Yu Zhou
Wiping off tears, wandering alone in this universe

小王子说 爱一定 开在某个角落
Xiao Wang Zi Shuo Ai Yi Ding Kai Zai Mou Ge Jiao Luo
The Little Prince said, "Love must be blossoming at some corner."
(The Little Prince from the French novel, has a beloved rose at his home - Planet B-612.)

Lu Shang Xiang Ai De Ren Na Me Duo
Through the journey there are so many people in love

我会幸福吗 在什么时候 喔~~
Wo Hui Xing Fu Ma Zai Shen Me Shi Hou Wo~~
Will I ever be happy? When will that be? Oh~~

Repeat Chorus** 2x

Read "The Little Prince" many years back. Revisited the book after listening to this song. This is the MV, beautifully sang by SHE:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

(Fluff) Election

While US had the President Election earlier this month, (fluff)Friends organized their very own (fluff) Election on Facebook.

Thanks to all my friends who voted for my fluff. He managed to hold the post of Head of (fluff) Senate.

The prize we got was a pen:

The criteria required to become a Head of (fluff)Senate is to get more votes than 70% of other (fluff)Owners.

How many votes did my fluff managed to receive?

Well, not many, just more than 70% of other (fluff)Owners...

Ok. I casted 2 votes, my sis 1, Mr. Toilet 1, and Janice 1.
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cang Jing Ge MV (藏经阁) by Lollipop

Theme Song of The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries 黑糖群侠传:

Cang Jing Ge (藏经阁) by Lollipop (棒棒堂)

Wow, didn't know the MV is so cool until I saw it last Sunday on TV~~~
So many leng chai~~~