How I wish I could be there...

Well, at least I have Never Ending Wonderful Story to watch at home. So, I won't feel too jealous.

Yamashita Tomohisa (山下智久)
He is the leader of the band. Also known as Yamapi (Yama+Pink), a nick name given by his senior Tackey. I started to like Yamapi after watching him acting as Akira in Nobuta wo Produce. Then, later on Dragon Zakura, Kurosagi & Proposal Daisakusen. And of course, I found NEWS.

Ok ok...I should stop

Koyama Keiichiro- (小山慶一郎)
One year older than Yamapi, Koyama is the eldest in the band. He has just graduated from Meiji University in Asian History this year. (Yamapi is also studying in Meiji University, major in Business).

*~Koyama sharing his joy with fans after getting his Cert~*
Nishikido Ryo- (錦戸亮)
He is also well-known in imitating "Gachapin" due to the resemblance of his eyes with the Japanese children's TV character.

Nishikido Ryo- (錦戸亮)
Ryo-chan is also in another group called Kanjani-8, formed earlier than NEWS. It's amazing how he can manage the workload of both groups. Hope he won't get overloaded. He acted in many drama series such as Attention Please! and 1 Rittoru no Namida (1 Litre of Tears).

Masuda Takahisa (増田貴久)
I love his smile~~
Looks like my boyfriend...ahem.
*~Masuda in Black~*
*~Masuda with a cute Johnny's Junior~*
Masuda is one of the best singers in the band. Together with Tegoshi, both of them formed a subunit named TegoMasu in 2006 and released 2 singles: Miso Soup (in Sweden) & Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song. They were even invited by the Taiwan 18th Golden Melody Awards as Guest Performers in June 2007.

Looks like my boyfriend...ahem.

Tegoshi Yu-ya (手越祐也)
Tegoshi is the youngest in the band. He joined Johnny's for only 10 months before he debuted as part of NEWS in 2003. At that time, none of the members know him. But he is real good in singing and is able to perform solos. And he has acted in many dramas and movies like My Boss My Hero, Hyouten 2006 and voice of Mumble in Happy Feet (Japanese Version).
When NEWS first made an appearance in Kinki Kid's Domoto Kyo-dai (堂本兄弟) entertainment show, Domoto Tsuyoshi (堂本刚) gave him a gesture to introduce himself like this:
When NEWS first made an appearance in Kinki Kid's Domoto Kyo-dai (堂本兄弟) entertainment show, Domoto Tsuyoshi (堂本刚) gave him a gesture to introduce himself like this:
Which turns into his trade mark.
Kato- Shigeaki (加藤成亮)
Shige is currently studying law in Aoyama Gakuin University (青山学院大学). Again, another guy who needs to juggle between study & work, like me.
~~~ヾ(〃^。^)o ファイトォー!!
Just finished watching Papa to Musume no Nanokakan, the 2007 summer drama he acted in with Aragaki Yui (新垣結衣). He acts as the crush of Yui, who had changed body with her dad because of some mysterious momo (peach).
~~~ヾ(〃^。^)o ファイトォー!!
Just finished watching Papa to Musume no Nanokakan, the 2007 summer drama he acted in with Aragaki Yui (新垣結衣). He acts as the crush of Yui, who had changed body with her dad because of some mysterious momo (peach).
i think yamapi looks like akanishi jin when u cover his mouth. LoL
Eh? Totally different yo. I think Akanishi Jin and Kamenashi Kazuya looks more alike.
No need argue. All handsome ....
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